eMoods Classic
Log your mood and symptoms effortlessly in seconds. Our original app, eMoods Classic, is a simple to use and completely OFFLINE mood tracker.
For more features and options for managing your mental health, check out our new app, eMoods Insights.

eMoods Classic Features
Free to Use
Originally developed in 2010 out of a respect for the Bipolar community, eMoods continues to be free for all.
Privacy is Paramount
Simply put, your privacy matters to us. No registration, no cloud storage, and no data EVER leaves your device without your permission. Turn on airplane mode and see for yourself- the app will still work 100% fine without an internet connection.
Many Translations
eMoods is now translated into several languages, including Russian, Korean, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Printable Reports
Email a report at the end of each month to your doctor or caregiver to help you identify triggers or other events that could lead to an episode or relapse.
Totally Offline Data Storage
eMoods Classic lets you log your data completely offline, and print a monthly chart to show your doctor. There is no login and data is stored only on your device.
Mood & Symptom Diary
Track daily highs and lows, sleep, medications, and other symptoms related to Bipolar/Manic Depressive illness.
Custom Tracking Points
Toggle on/off which data points you track on your daily view, which makes eMoods perfect for tracking Bipolar I/II, Depression, Anxiety, or BPD symptoms, or even as a generic life and habit tracker.

Download eMoods Classic
eMoods Classic is available on Android in the Google Play Store, and for iPhone in the App Store.
eMoods is a free Mood Tracker app that lets you easily chart your daily highs and lows, sleep, medications, and other symptoms related to common mood disorders. The app allows you to send a printable PDF report to your doctor or therapist at the end of each month to help identify patterns, triggers, and other events relevant to your treatment plan.
What People Are Saying

I'm following up with my therapist, my psychologist, and primary care doctor within the next week. I feel so empowered to have an organized report to hand over to each of them. It's going to assist them in my care. Your app is now an integral part of my well-being monitoring. I can't imagine my life wihout it.
This is great!! My dr. and therapist are always wanting me to track my moods and papers just get lost...this is super easy to use...love that I can email my dr a report...great app!!!!
OUTSTANDING!!! This is just one word of many that could be used to describe this app. For me, it has been seriously life changing. It has given me and my doctors insights that have led to significantly better outcomes related to my care. Needless to say I highly reccomend it!
Thank you so much for making this app. Its just what I need, and I'm so grateful to have a tool like this to help get an objective view of something so subjective. [...] The convenience of doing this on my phone means the difference between actually DOING IT, and just thinking that it would be a good thing to start. You're helping me improve my life.
Thank you very much for making this app. I use it regularly for managing my bipolar illness. I absolutely love the ability to add the custom tracking points. Again, you have my gratitude. I've tried many tracking apps. Yours is the best!
I have used the eMoods App for around 4 years now and it has been an invaluable tool for me to quickly and simply log all the factors of my bipolar disorder, from how I feel, to the medications I have taken, sleep I have had and lots of other details relating to my personal triggers and how I manage my illness.
Determined not to be labelled with an illness that holds me back, and with the help of my sister who checks in with me frequently, I can use the eMoods App to record everything about the support systems and medications that help me as well as the triggers that can make me go high or low. What I like most about the App is that when I became a patron, for a very reasonable sum of money, the App enables access to customized items. For example, I try to use mediation daily to keep me stable and I can now log the days that I have meditated and see a reminder each day when I login. Same for tracking my weight as I know I eat badly when depressed with a resulting weight gain and forget to eat when hypomanic and hence lose weight.
Recently I had to contact App developer as I was unsure of some items I had logged and got an answer back almost immediately. I would certainly recommend this mood App to all in the bipolar community and I am looking forward to the new app focusing on insights to be released.