Daylio vs emoods

Daylio vs. eMoods

Daylio is a mood tracker and micro diary app. It is highly customizable and easy to use, providing users the ability to, “…capture your day without writing down a single line!” In addition to journaling, Daylio offers its users a way to set and stick to goals. This app is designed to help people recognize their patterns, both good and bad, and turn their lives around for the better.

When a user logs their mood, they’re given the option to include an activity that may be influencing how they feel.

Daylio vs emoods
Daylio vs emoods

Comparing Daylio to eMoods

Daylio and eMoods both respect their users’ privacy and do not store or share their information or require an app log in. Both apps do offer the ability to export your data as a PDF to share with your doctor. Daylio is designed for users to gain some insight on their emotional states over time and what might be contributing to them and then make the necessary adjustments. It helps people set and maintain their goals. eMoods is designed for people with bipolar or other common mood disorders who want an easy, distraction free way to log their mood and move on with their day. It is a data collection tool, free of emojis and incentives.

eMoods is best used in conjunction with medical treatment, so users can track their treatment alongside their mood to see what’s working and what isn’t. This empowers the user and puts them in the driver’s seat. With eMoods, they’re able to dictate their needs and symptoms to their care provider and not the other way around.

Daylio is great if you want to embark on a journey of personal discovery, set some goals and make life changes. If you have a mood disorder and want to take control of it, eMoods will help you on your way there.

Where to find Daylio: